News Updates

August 29 2017

Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. It was recently brought to my attention that my contact me page was not really contacting me. I have since fixed the problem and should be able to be reached through the sites form again.

August 28 2017

Well, it has been a busy August at The site now contains over 150+ custom downloadable Duke Nukem 3D maps to choose from and there’s another 60-70 maps yet to upload before I switch over to playing\rating & reviewing them. The review process will be the most time consuming and will prove difficult since all the published maps are pretty spectacular in their own way. So snoop around and download a few to see what I mean.

August 14 2017

A bit off topic, but my wife and I are expecting our first baby! Thus far she is 5 weeks pregnant. I was thinking if it’s a boy i’ll name him Duke. haha!

In other Duke news, I have been adding more maps daily to and currently the website is approaching 100 publicly downloadable maps with about 60 maps which I haven’t published and this is what i’m working on doing now. After that, I’ve got another 60+ to be added which will put the site at well over 200 custom downloadable high quality user maps!!!

Once these maps have all been added, I will start to go through each map individually to play and review them. Of course the maps I have selected have been the best of the best. So even if they don’t have a review, they are definitely worth your while.

I’m hoping I’ll have more time to play and review these maps once i’m on my maternity leave.

August 1 2017

I’ve added 97 more custom Duke maps to the site but they haven’t been publicly published. I’m in the process of indexing them as we speak. It’s a slow process but more is on the way. I think in the near future when it comes to reviewing user maps I will definitely need some help. Anyone who may be interested in doing map reviews for the site please contact me. Thanks!