The aliens likely planned to invade anyway but were simply checking out where the best place was to start… They decide to send forces out to find parts for their ship but some of them got carried away and started the invasion early. Unfortunately, more aliens are not far away and if they do manage to repair their ship they are bound to go and get help from them.
Also, the EDF want that ship, they want to search it for technology and to find the aliens’ home planet.
The city was barricaded by the EDF to hold them back, they also removed most explosives from the city.
Duke will have to blow the barricade and stop the aliens before it is too late and the ship is fit to take off again, failure will result in a mass invasion and war.
* Play Information *
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-8 Player : No
DukeMatch 2-8 Player : No
Difficulty Settings : Not implemented
Atomic Edition Required : Yes
New Sound : No
New Music : Yes
New Art : No
Modified CONs : No
Demos Replaced : None
Renderer : Polymer with “R_PR_LIGHTING 0”
others should be functional.
Construction Base : New level from scratch
Known Bugs : Not many, timer is strange.
Sometimes you might have to press use
on an item more than once to pick it
up, it’s a bit odd.
May Not Run With… : DukePlus and older EDuke builds.
Megaton might not work…